VCST Romania: Celebrating educational success!

20 June, 2024

At VCST, we celebrate the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the admirable ambition of our employees. Last week, we witnessed the graduation ceremony of seven exceptional VCST Romania team members at the Technical University of Cluj Napoca – Alba Iulia University Extension. These team players embarked on an educational journey at the university in order to be able to excell at their jobs at the VCST plant. As combining a job, family life and an education isn’t simple, these graduates represent the personification of dedication, hard work, and passion for their work.

A Day of Triumph and Reflection

As each graduate stepped onto the stage, they experienced a whirlwind of emotions—from euphoria to nostalgia. This day was the culmination of years of effort, late nights, and unwavering commitment. Their hats soared into the air, carrying with them the promise of a bright future.

But this celebration wasn’t just about the graduates. It was rewarding for everyone involved. Us as a company, the educators at the university and the support of the families.

The Power of Seven

Why seven? Because it’s a magical number—one associated with truth, wisdom, and knowledge. Our seven colleagues, with an average tenure of 7.4 years at VCST Automotive Production Alba, embody this magic. Most of them started as CNC Operators in our production hall, but their journey didn’t end there.

Their ambition and curiosity led them to explore beyond their roles, and hard work paid off. As a result of this, the seven graduates wear different hats within our organization today:

  1. Process Operators: Meticulously ensuring efficiency and quality.
  2. Quality Inspectors: Guardians of excellence, scrutinizing every detail.
  3. Engineers: Innovators who bridge theory and practice.
  4. Shift Leaders: Guiding teams toward success.

Our Commitment to Lifelong Learning

But how did they get here? It’s simple: our commitment to education. We believe that learning never stops. That’s why we partnered with the esteemed Technical University of Cluj Napoca to offer a professional development opportunity to our ambitious colleagues. We are here to support and reward the ambition of our our team via customized learning, flexible formats and financial support.

A Standing Ovation

To our graduates, we say: BRAVO! Your extra efforts, resilience, and hunger for knowledge have brought us recognition. and ensure that talent and knowledge thrives at VCST Romania. We secured the well-deserved 2nd place at the Alba county level in 2024 for the most graduates from a technical university. Your success is our pride.